That's 16 missile heads with cents only a millimeter smaller than the rest of the detail, which was just about impossible to shave off and retain a smooth curve, so the front of the damned model now looks all janky. PHR Njord: missile pods had a vent in the end of every single missile. Bomb Bus: roof platforms have massive, like a centimeter thick, gates in them, which is hard to cut off without snapping it and tearing a hole in the platform. Razorowms: vent in the front center face of one of the models. My complaints about TTC blisters lately have been about dumb gate and vent placement. You can see it clearly on the sample painted ships on the site of any post-hawk wargames kits.Ĭan you elaborate on that a bit? Specific ship, specific problem?
They must not understand how to tune their 3d printer because the results are just tragic. Axotl wrote: I love DFC and DZC but the new TTcombat kits all show a very shoddy workmanship with their 3d printed masters.